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New resources to support diversity and inclusion progress in organisations

We recommend these new resources that our team is learning from – and applying – with clients.

Pearn Kandola Research,
Neurodiversity At Work

Estimates vary, but between 15 to 30 per cent of us identify as neurodivergent. Many of us have a growing awareness of neurodiversity through our relationships as family members, carers, friends, colleagues, and community members who acknowledge and value the diversity of our human brains and minds.

This report highlights the experiences of neurodivergent employees working in the UK. It found that the number one signifier that an employer is inclusive for neurodivergent employees was mentioning neurodivergence on the application form, in job adverts and in other recruitment materials. The second largest signifier was asking candidates about the adjustments they needed as this indicated to candidates that they were likely to get the support they needed.

Champions of Change Coalition, Sponsorship Track:
A practical guide to gender inclusive progression

This report focuses on the value of formal sponsorship initiatives ‘to disrupt bias within recruitment, development and promotion processes, ‘level the playing field’, accelerate women’s careers, and build the diversity and capability of senior leadership.’ It highlights the important role of sponsors in recommending emerging diverse talent for promotions, involvements in projects or high-profile speaking engagements.

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