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Building Psychological Safety

This workshop is an opportunity for leaders to learn what psychological safety means, why it’s important, and what we can individually do to promote an environment where our team members feel able to speak up with ideas, questions, or concerns without risk of negative consequences.

Global research shows the highest performing teams have one thing in common: psychological safety. But it can be hard to speak up if the environment isn’t supportive, and it can be particularly challenging for those from under-represented groups who are more likely to experience microaggressions and discrimination at work.

This will be particularly helpful for leaders who recognise the situations below and want to improve:

  • Team members are reluctant to share their perspectives, or new ideas, in meetings
  • Team members from under-represented groups are less likely to speak up
  • Some people consistently dominate airtime in meetings 
  • People are aware of micro-aggressions (subtle acts of exclusion) but rarely speak up about them
  • Some team members or peers aren’t confident to speak up if they observe inappropriate behaviour
  • Mistakes aren’t always handled well
  • You’re not sure if all people in your team feel safe to speak up with ideas, questions or concerns without the risk of negative consequences, and are keen to find out more.


We weave in research from global experts – Harvard Professor Amy Edmonson and Dr Timothy Clark – to highlight behaviours that diminish psychological safety, and behaviours that help develop it.

Our approach

We deliver this workshop in a conversational format online (90 mins) or in-person (two hours).

"When it comes to psychological safety, you either lead the way or get in the way. You can't be neutral."

Timothy R Clark
The Four Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the path to inclusion and innovation, Berrett-Koehler, 2020

‘Many thanks for the wonderful session. It was just what I hoped it would be – educational and practical. It also drove home some really impactful truths. Thank you for being part of the change to improve performance through a deeper understanding of psychological safety.’

Amber Collins
Chief Marketing Officer, Australia Post
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