What’s being published and what’s different from 2024?
- GPGs of every ABN with 80+ employees will be published, unlike the previous aggregated average figure
- GPG for the corporate group will be disclosed
- Median and mean (average) GPGs for base and total remuneration will be shown
- Gender composition and average total remuneration for each pay quartile will be included
- CEO’s salary will be included in calculations
With six months before the gaps are published, now is the time for employers to take proactive steps such as:
- Developing an action plan to address gender inequality, including employee consultation and involving senior decision-makers
- Creating or updating the GPG Employer Statement ahead of the 2025 report with commitments and priorities
- Ensuring correct industry classification for accurate comparisons
- Analysing annual like-for-like pay gaps and understanding the root causes of GPG
- Utilising WGEA data to identify and address recruitment and promotion disparities.