There’s now extensive research from the fields of business psychology and neuroscience to show we are all biased, even though we like to think that we always apply logic and reason in our decision-making. The reality is we all have these biases so ingrained we hardly notice them.
Unconscious biases can narrow the talent pool, lead to poor decision-making and inhibit diversity progress in organisations. Hiring people from similar backgrounds, with similar experiences means organisations become more of a ‘mirror-tocracy’ rather than a meritocracy.
The tips in this workshop are designed to reduce the potential for unconscious bias throughout the recruitment process and strengthen opportunities to recruit and promote diverse candidate pools.
If you’re finding it hard to attract diverse candidates, this workshop will give you a range of actions to help. You’ll learn how relatively simple things – such as the words used in job descriptions and explicit promotion of flexible working – can attract a broader talent pool.
The Basics:
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Zoom, Teams, or your preferred online platform
- Can also be delivered face-to-face
- Preferred audience size: up to 20 participants
- Hiring managers
- Human Resources teams
Learning Objectives
This workshop explores what unconscious bias is, and how it can impact the recruitment and promotion process. We explore practical steps hiring managers can take to attract candidates from diverse backgrounds and reduce unconscious bias:
- Writing position descriptions
- When advertising
- When shortlisting
- When interviewing
- When onboarding
- When reviewing performance
- When succession planning
‘Diversity Partners’ facilitation approach is practical, tailored and engaging.’