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Modelling inclusive behaviours in Victorian local Councils

Valuing diversity (of local communities and thinking approaches) and inclusive behaviours underpin the new Model Councillor Code of Conduct for Victorian Councils. Providing education on inclusive leadership is a great opportunity to strengthen the capability of Councillors to role model inclusive habits and behaviours in their day-to-day interactions and meetings

We’re looking forward to providing diversity and inclusion education for Victorian local Councils in 2025 to help Councillors observe the new Model Councillor Code of Conduct that came into effect late last year.

The Model Code of Conduct replaces the previous statutory requirement for each Council to develop its own Councillor Code of Conduct.

This is a great opportunity to strengthen the capability of Councillors to consistently role model inclusive habits and behaviours in their day-to-day interactions and meetings.

We kick off our first workshop next month as part of one Council’s induction program for new Councillors. We’ll be exploring microaggressions and unconscious biases that inhibit respectful relationships and robust debate, and practical inclusive actions to reach decisions that represent diverse stakeholders.

Diversity and inclusion underpin the new Model Code of Conduct in several ways. There’s a strong focus on inclusive behaviours and meeting practices that help support healthy discussion and robust debate.

‘Healthy discussion and differences of opinion play a vital role in Council decision-making. . . In practical terms, this involves using professional and appropriate language, raising issues in the correct way and in the appropriate forum, giving others the opportunity to speak without interruption, and keeping criticism focused on the ideas or issues being discussed.’

The Code also reinforces the importance for Councillors to represent diverse communities, support Council partnerships with Traditional Owners, and promote Council gender equality action plans.

Diversity Partners has extensive experience with co-developing diversity and gender equality action plans and conducting gender impact assessments for Victorian Councils. We’ve also recently facilitated inclusive leadership education programs for Victorian public sector board members, with 100 per cent of attendees recommending it to others.

If you’d like to learn more, please contact us at

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